Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Let me introduce myself...

Hello everyone!

My name is Catherine. I'm currently a student in communication and cinema and I eventually want to become a screen writer.

I use to follow a lot of different Blogs and one day I thought to myself “Hey, I should have my own Blog!” So here it is! I’m basically here to talk about myself, my passions, my life, etc.  Like most of the girls, I’m crazy about fashion! I love clothes, shoes, purses, EVERYTHING! I’m not shallow, but I have to admit that I do spend a lot of time thinking about the way I look. However, it is not the only thing in my mind. I don’t think I would be able to live without music. I mostly listen to rock music, but I’m open to every genre.  I sing all the time (ask my brothers!), however I don’t find my voice particularly interesting and I’m too shy to sing in front of other people (except in front of my brothers of course!). I also play the trumpet (I know it sounds kind of “geeky”, but believe me it’s really cool!). Since I want to become a screen writer, I have to say that cinema also takes a big place in my life.  I’m mostly into horror films, but again I’m interest in every genre. Years ago, I discovered Quentin Tarantino with the famous “Pulp Fiction” and I totally fell in love. Since then, I’ve discovered many other films, directors and styles, but I have to say that Tarantino was my first cinematographic love and he will always keep an important place in my heart.

So that’s pretty much everything you guys have to know about me…at least for now! Hope you will enjoy being a part of my crazy life.

Welcome to my madness! Catherine xx.

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