Thursday, July 19, 2012

30 Weeks of Films: Your First Film ever?

There is this thing going on on Facebook called “30 days of films”, so I decided to do the same thing and post one video of a film every weeks. Hope you guys will enjoy it!

Week One: Your first film ever

Like pretty much every little girls, I was completely brainwashed by the Walt Disney’s films. The first film I remember watching is “Pocahontas”. It was my favorite movie! I watched it over and over again and I still remember every lyric from every single song. I don’t know if it was her wildness or her perfect “hair in the wind” look, but there was something about Pocahontas that made her more appealing to me than all the other Disney princesses. So, here’s a video of “Color of the wind”, which is probably the most popular song from this film.

Catherine xx.

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