Wednesday, July 25, 2012

30 Weeks of Films: Week 2

You’re favorite movie character?

My favorite movie character is Edward Scissorhands from Tim Burton’s film Edward Scissorhands. Edward was created by an inventor who died before he could finish him and left him with scissors for hands. One day, Peg, a cosmetic sealer, finds Edward and invites him into her home. At first, everyone welcome Edward into the community, but soon things begin to take a change.  

Edward is very sensitive and just wants to be accepted by others. However, his difference makes it very difficult for him to fit in the community. He is very shy and awkward, but that’s just making him even more attaching. There’s just something about his innocence that make us bound with him. I think everyone can relate to Edward.  We all know how hard it is sometime to “fit in” and I’m pretty sure everyone experienced rejection at least once in their life. I guess that’s the reason why I like him so much.

I also have to admit that I’m a big fan of Johnny Depp (who plays Edward in this film), not only because he is super hot (he really is!), but also because he’s a very talented actor.

Here’s the original trailer the film: Edward Scissorhands

Catherine xx

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