Thursday, August 9, 2012

Back to School Wishlist!

Summer Vacations are almost over (less than 3 weeks left!) and I have to say that I can’t wait to go back to school! This is my last semester before I graduate and I’m super excited about it!
 I remember when I was a little girl, my mother use to take me shopping at this time of the year so I can find a new “back to school” outfit.  I have to admit that I was a little spoiled, but when you’re a child you’re growing so fast that it’s normal to need new clothes to start school. I’m not a child anymore and I don’t really need new clothes (my closet is already full of them!), but there are still some pieces of clothing that I’d really like to have to start school. However, I’m totally broke right now, so I probably won’t be able to afford those pretty things…but hey a girl can dream!  So, here’s my back to school wishlist.
Hope you will enjoy the last weeks of vacation left!
Catherine xx.

1)      Loafers:
Loafers are really trendy right now and they are a great alternative to regular flat shoes. They can look really cute with some jeans or with a skirt. Plus, they can easily add a little edge to an outfit. I really like those ones from Aldo. ( available here )

2)      Boyfriend  Jeans:
Am I the only one to be tired of the usual skinny jeans? With the good fit, boyfriend jeans can look super hot! They can bring a little something different to the boring, but so practical T-shirt/jeans outfit. Here’s the one that I absolutely want from American Eagle. (available here )

3)     Jean Jacket:
If like me, you still don’t have a jeans jacket, well you definitely need one! This is a major trend right now and it is perfect for a more chilly weather. It goes with everything, believe me! I really like this one available at American eagle. (available here )

4)      Gold Watch:
      I already have a silver Michael Kors watch that I absolutely love, but I would like to have a gold one also. Not necessary a Michael Kors one though, just very big one with a boyish look.  Like those ones:

1- Available at Michale Kors or here
2- Available at Nixon or here
3- Available at Aldo or here
4- Available ar Aldo or here


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

My Day at Osheaga

Hi Everyone!

As you all know, Sunday I went to Osheaga and despite the bad weather (it rained pretty much all day), it was amazing! I was wet, tired and I almost got kill by a guy doing body surfing…but it was totally worthed. What I prefer about Music Festivals is that it gives you the opportunity to see a lot of different bands in the same day.  I saw The Airborne Toxic Event, City and Color, Metric and The Black Keys. It also makes you discovered new bands.
 It was my first time at Osheaga, but certainly not my last!
 So, here are some pictures that I took for you guys.

Have a great day!
Catherine xx.

The Crowd during The Black Keys show

My friend and I at The Airbone Toxic Event Show.
When the rain finally stopped and the sun came out.

Kono Pizza! Those were pizza shapped as ice cones. My friend and I were starving for one of those which just looked delicious, but when we came to get one the electrin system of the restaurent broke...what a shame!
The Airbone Toxic Event Show


More Picstures to come...

Thursday, August 2, 2012


Just a super cute photo of my adorable cat ^^

Week 3: My Guilty Pleasure Film

Hi Everyone!
So to keep going with my 30 weeks of films challenge. Here's a little post about my "Guilty Pleasure Film". 

My guilty pleasure film is definitely Breakfast at Tiffany’s with Audrey Hepburn and George Peppard. Every time I feel down, I like to watch this film to cheer me up. It’s just a really funny and beautiful love story.  Released in 1961, Breakfast at Tiffany’s narrated the life of Holly Golightly, a young New York socialite who tries to find a rich husband, but who fall in love with a young broke writer that just move into her apartment building.

 Originally the part of Holly Golightly was create for Marilyn Monroe, but her acting coach told her that it wouldn’t be good for her image. So, it’s Audrey Hepburn who took the part. The film ended up being a big success; Audrey Hepburn even received a Golden Globe and an Academy Award nomination for her interpretation of Holly.  

Aniway, if you haven't seen it before you're missing something. It's a classic! Perfect for a girl's movie night.
So, here’s the original trailer of this film for you to check this out.

Catherine xx.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Hi Guys!
Sorry I haven’t post anything recently, but I’ve been much occupied.  Anyway, this weekend is going to super exciting, since I’m going to see The Black Keys at the Osheaga Festival! Osheaga is a music festival based here in Montreal. It started in 2006 and has been very popular since. A lot of great bands had play at Osheaga like Weezer, Coldplay, The Killers, etc. The Lineup this year is very impressive with many great musicians like Snoop Dogg (Who apparently changed his scene name for Snoop Lion? You can read the article here ), Justice, Metric and of course, The Black Keys. The festival will take place on Friday the 3rd, Saturday the 4th and Sunday the 5th of August.

For more info you can go on the official website here and even catch some tickets if you’re lucky (I heard the all week-end passes were sold out!).

Have a good day,  
Catherine xx.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

30 Weeks of Films: Week 2

You’re favorite movie character?

My favorite movie character is Edward Scissorhands from Tim Burton’s film Edward Scissorhands. Edward was created by an inventor who died before he could finish him and left him with scissors for hands. One day, Peg, a cosmetic sealer, finds Edward and invites him into her home. At first, everyone welcome Edward into the community, but soon things begin to take a change.  

Edward is very sensitive and just wants to be accepted by others. However, his difference makes it very difficult for him to fit in the community. He is very shy and awkward, but that’s just making him even more attaching. There’s just something about his innocence that make us bound with him. I think everyone can relate to Edward.  We all know how hard it is sometime to “fit in” and I’m pretty sure everyone experienced rejection at least once in their life. I guess that’s the reason why I like him so much.

I also have to admit that I’m a big fan of Johnny Depp (who plays Edward in this film), not only because he is super hot (he really is!), but also because he’s a very talented actor.

Here’s the original trailer the film: Edward Scissorhands

Catherine xx

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Favorite Beauty Products.

Hi Everyone!
I might not be a professional make-up artist, but I’ve been wearing make-up since I’m like 11 or 12 years old, so I'm getting pretty good at it. I have to admit that I always had a preference for all the Chanel products, but they are kind of pricey and I can’t afford to only use Chanel cosmetics. So I always try to find some more budget-friendly products, but from time to time I like to pay for quality. So anyway, here are my favorite beauty products right now.
Catherine xx

5) Mary Kay Yellow Concealer

Yellow concealers are the best to hide dark circles. The yellow shade of this concealer covers the blue/purple shade of your dark circles. This product is perfect when you didn’t get your beauty, but still want to look your best. However you ALWAYS have to put foundation over it, unless you want to have yellow eye contour!

4) Prep + Prime Skin by MAC

I discovered this primer recently and since then, it became one of my favorite products. Primers are use to prepare the skin before you apply your make-up. It makes your skin look smoother and hold your make-up all day long. So, you hydrate your skin, put this primer on, add foundation and voila! you have a perfect movie star look.

3) Mascara Inimitable by Chanel

I’m crazy about mascaras and this is certainly the best mascara I ever tried! It gives you everything, length, volume, curl and separation. It’s very dark and last all day, but it’s still very easy to get off.  The only cons about this mascara is the price (something like 30$). I LOVE Chanel products, but I don’t always goes with my budget.

2) John Frieda Full Repair Touch-Up Flyaway Tamer

This is my favorite hair product right now. It’s perfect to smooth the flyaway hair and damaged ends and it makes your hairstyle look perfectly polished. Plus it comes in a small tube that you can keep it in your purse for eventual touch-up.  I don’t like to put product in my hair because it usually makes them look greasy and heavy, but this product makes my hair look very shiny and healthy.

1) Rouge Coco Shine Lipstick by Chanel, #46 Liberté

I totally love the Chanel’s Rouge Coco Shine lipsticks. Those lipsticks are very shinny, almost glossy and very hydrating. This summer, I fell in love with the #46, Liberté. Coral is very popular right now and I find this shade very pretty and easier to wear than a bright coral lipstick.