Thursday, August 2, 2012

Week 3: My Guilty Pleasure Film

Hi Everyone!
So to keep going with my 30 weeks of films challenge. Here's a little post about my "Guilty Pleasure Film". 

My guilty pleasure film is definitely Breakfast at Tiffany’s with Audrey Hepburn and George Peppard. Every time I feel down, I like to watch this film to cheer me up. It’s just a really funny and beautiful love story.  Released in 1961, Breakfast at Tiffany’s narrated the life of Holly Golightly, a young New York socialite who tries to find a rich husband, but who fall in love with a young broke writer that just move into her apartment building.

 Originally the part of Holly Golightly was create for Marilyn Monroe, but her acting coach told her that it wouldn’t be good for her image. So, it’s Audrey Hepburn who took the part. The film ended up being a big success; Audrey Hepburn even received a Golden Globe and an Academy Award nomination for her interpretation of Holly.  

Aniway, if you haven't seen it before you're missing something. It's a classic! Perfect for a girl's movie night.
So, here’s the original trailer of this film for you to check this out.

Catherine xx.

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