Wednesday, August 8, 2012

My Day at Osheaga

Hi Everyone!

As you all know, Sunday I went to Osheaga and despite the bad weather (it rained pretty much all day), it was amazing! I was wet, tired and I almost got kill by a guy doing body surfing…but it was totally worthed. What I prefer about Music Festivals is that it gives you the opportunity to see a lot of different bands in the same day.  I saw The Airborne Toxic Event, City and Color, Metric and The Black Keys. It also makes you discovered new bands.
 It was my first time at Osheaga, but certainly not my last!
 So, here are some pictures that I took for you guys.

Have a great day!
Catherine xx.

The Crowd during The Black Keys show

My friend and I at The Airbone Toxic Event Show.
When the rain finally stopped and the sun came out.

Kono Pizza! Those were pizza shapped as ice cones. My friend and I were starving for one of those which just looked delicious, but when we came to get one the electrin system of the restaurent broke...what a shame!
The Airbone Toxic Event Show


More Picstures to come...

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